Rocks and Stones for Homes

Large landscaping stones can re-define the beauty of your garden. They may seem ordinary while heaped but they have the potential to change the ambiance of your garden with a little touch of landscaping expertise.


Sand, rocks, and stones make an ideal landscaping combination. They do not need expensive maintenance, and they are all-natural. They complement the plants, lawn, and walls and are also ideal for boundaries. Wondering how landscape rocks and stones can transform your home? Here are some ideas.

What can rock and gravel do for my home?

Laying the foundation for driveways and pathways

Crushed rocks come in varying sizes, they form a solid foundation to pathways and driveways. Their residual sand from crushed rocks can also be used to enhance hedges, flower beds, and pots.

Building driveways with cobblestones

Cobblestones are usually small blocks made specifically for laying on a dirt founation. Original cobblestones are made out of natural stone. Manufacturers have however found a shortcut and are now making similar pavement stones from concrete bricks.


Cobblestones can be laid while joined with cement or separated with foliage. Original cobblestones are made of various natural stones such as basalt, and limestone.

Install rock hedges 

Hedges are best built along the driveway and pathways. Use medium-size decorative rocks for smaller yards to avoid crowding and to make and create a sense of order.

Use large landscaping rocks and stones

Rocks and stones are ideal for marking a property’s boundaries. They serve two purposes, mark your territory and add beauty at the same time. You can also opt for mini-stone walls to separate the street and your yard.

What can rock and gravel do for my home?

Making flower pots, enclosed vegetable gardens, and wall plantings

There are limitless ideas on beautifying your lawns. Gravel and rocks can design and install wall plantings, stone carvings, layered gardens, as well as enclosed vegetable gardens. If your plantings are too crowded, space them out with gravel rocks. 

Rock and water landscaping

As suggested in a previous post, rock and gravel can be used to create water gardens. Something magical happens when rocks blend with water. Japanese Zen gardens are a good example of this. They combine water, rocks, and plants. 


Another great option would be creating a fountain. Fountains are ideal for small spaces yet they cause a huge impact.


One challenge posed by water landscaping is maintenance. If, for instance, the fountain requires clean water throughout, pumps will be required to ensure there is always water. They also require constant cleaning to minimize contamination.

Forming edgings and gabions using rocks

Gabions prevent erosion but can be designed creatively to add beauty. You can also use stones for edging both sides of the pathways or driveways, forming raised flowerbeds, and shaping walkway plants.

Using landscape rocks and stones to design entrances and walls

Large landscaping rocks are ideal for building stone walls and entrances. The challenge with these is they have to be carefully selected into ideal shapes and sizes for the desired look to be achieved. Round, flat stones are best suited for stone walls. To help make the wall firm, they are held together with mortar. If carefully designed, stones make a strong and beautiful fence. 


One final note, avoid over-using rocks. Despite their natural look, they tend to have a harsh demeanor. Blend your rocky landscape with lots of plants and if possible multi-colored flowers.


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